Visiting traditional Russian banya
If you travel to Russia first time – we recommend you to go to the Russian ballet and to the Russian banya. Definetely, you need to try these two things.
Today we want to tell you more details about our option “visiting traditional Russian banya”.
During your visit you will know about the history and traditions of Russian banya. You will steam with a birch “venik”. Don’t afraid about that process – we have a special qualified person who will do it. This procedure is very good for your health and blood circulation. It helps you to relax and you release the muscle tension.
Inside banya is very hot, so you should drink a lot of water. But you will also drink a cup of Russian tea, and after that you will feel yourself as after the massage. You will feel lots of energy and you will be peacful and happy.
Banya is very popular in Russia, in Ekaterinburg we have lots of places. We have the best place in the city and it is a real Russian banya and not the mix of Turkish hammam or Finnish sauna.
Contact us via the application form, by e-mail or phone and we will book this option for you!
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