To learn more about this city you can choose the excursion in irkutsk in Russian, English, Chinese, French, German, Korean, Japanese or other languages and create your own unforgettable tour to lake Baikal according to you desire.
Irkutsk sightseeing tour |
During this excursion you will see historical centre of the city, place of foundation of Irkutsk fortress, memorial of Admiral Kolchak (hero of the Civil war), most beautiful churches, visit Quarter 130 (reconstruction of the oldest district in Irkutsk). Additionally you can visit Museum of Decembrists and learn more about their life in Siberia or visit Ethnography Museum of Irkutsk. Duration: 3 h
Type: by transport
Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, etc
Listvyanka village sightseeing tour |
Village Listvyanka is the nearest to Irkutsk point of Baikal coast (only 70 km from the city). During excursion you will see Saint-Nicholas church, viewing platform at Chersky Stone with using chairlift, fish and souvenir market and, of course, the coast of Lake Baikal. Additionally you can visit Baikal Limnological Museum (the unique museum that studies flora and fauna of Baikal and even has aquarium with inhabitants of the lake), order boat trip or combine this tour with excursion to Ethnography Museum “Taltsy” (unique monuments of XVII –XX century that show Russian, Buryat, Evenk and Tofalar ways of life).
Duration: 6 h
Type: by transport
Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, etc
Ethnography excursion to Ust-Orda
Ust-Orda is a towm 70 km far from Irkutsk, its population is omly 15 000 people. Excursion includes visiting Ethnography museum that shows way of life of buriat (one of the most numerous nationalities of Siberia), meeting with shaman. Additionally you can order buriat dinner or performance of Buryat folklore collective.
Duration: 5-6 h
Type: by transport
Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, etc
Architectural-ethnographic Museum “Talsy”
“Talsy” is the unique museum that represents collection of historical, architectural, ethnographic monuments XVII –XX century. It is situated at the right coast of Angara on the way from Irkutsk to Baikal. The Museum complex at the open air attracts visitors who want learn culture of peoples of the Baikal region: Russian, Buryat, Evenk and Tofalar. Buryat, Evenk and Tofalar are native people of the Baikal region. Duration: 4 h Type: by transport
Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, etc
Also you may choose more excursuions to the Lake Baikal, boat trips and tours to islands.
Please contact us to specify the details of price, dates and payment conditions.